What you need is a group of people, trusted readers, who read all the books and then write little recommendation note cards, kind of like the 'staff recommends' cards you see at a lot of indie bookstores that you can pin beneath the books you haven't had time to read yet!

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I've had this thought too, Lore! Sign me up as well 😉

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Sign me up! Shawn, what Lore said :-)

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Sounds like we'd better get organized!

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The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron

The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis

Cherished Belonging by Greg Boyle

Terrific selections to suggest! Fear is an un-welcomed guest that often invites itself to my heart. Scripture advises often, "Fear Not, Do Not Be Afraid." A meditation from PrayAsYouGo I often listen to offers a meditation on these words and suggests, "There words create a space for God to do His work." The question is then posed, "What hopes/dreams rather than fears can you offer to co-labor with God?" Blessings

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